History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


library_icon.gifAl-Qasim Islamic Library A great worth of Books & Articles. Read to enlighten your self.


A rare Persian manuscript of Sufism, titled Kachkol-namah, by a great Sufi scholar of Sindh Makhdoom Abul Hasan Dahiri Naqshbandi (d. 1181 AH). This book is written about Sufism and related topics in poetry style.

Makhdoom Abul Hasan was an Islamic scholar and Naqshbandi Sufi in the 18th century. He has written some books, most famous of which is Yanabee'ul-Hayat, a masterpiece of Sufism and the Naqshbandi path comprising of more than 1200 pages. Unfortunately it is still unpublished and exists in manuscript form in various personal libraries in Sindh. This book has been compared to Keemya of Imam Ghazali, with some scholars considering it better than the Keemya. 

Digitized by Maktabah Mujaddidiyah (www.maktabah.org) in June 2012. 64 pages.

کچکول نامہ، فارسی مخطوطہ

تصوف اور علم کلام کے بارے میں، فارسی نظم میں لکھی گئی یہ کتاب حضرت مخدوم ابو الحسن ڈاہری نقشبندی سندھی رحمۃ اللہ علیہ کی تحریر ہے۔ مخدوم صاحب سندھ کے بڑے علماء کرام میں سے ہیں اور نقشبندی طریقہ میں حضرت عبدالرسول صدیقی احمد آبادی کے خلیفہ تھے۔

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