History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


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Hazrat Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) - Founder of Mohra Sharif


"Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, is a Naqshbandi in origin, and is based in a small village called Mohra Shareef located in the Murree hills of Punjab, outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad. It is located at the Eastern flank of Islamabad about one and a half hours drive from the Islamabad. It was made into a spiritual center by Ghous-e-Zaman Ala-Hazrat Baba Ji Khawaja Muhammad Qasim Sadiq (RA) (b. 1263 A.H.).

Hazrat Khawaja's ancestors were migrated from Iran and setteled in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan. Hazrat Khawaja Sahib was the Ghaus-e-Zaman of his time better known among the great Sufis as the Spiritual Sun on the horizon of the East. Hazrat Khawaja Baba Ji's 120 years of life forms a proud chapter of Islamic renaissance in this region of Asia.

His Holiness Hazrat Baba Ji Muhammad Qasim Sadiq Passed away on the 20th November of 1943 leaving behind millions of disciplines and devotees to mourn him. His funeral prayers were offered three times on the day of his demise due to ever swelling number of mourners attending his funeral.

Note: RA is a short for "Rehmatullah Alay" means Allah's blessings upon him.

After his departure from the world, the Order led by his son Qutab-ul-Aqtab Qutb-e-Alam Ameen-ul-Ummat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Ala-Hazrat Pir Muhammad Zahid Khan Sahib Known as Pir Khan Sahib Khawaja Gharib Nawaz. During his life time, Hazrat Baba Ji Muhammad Qasim Sadiq (RA) had chosen out of his 6 sons, his third son Khwaja Pir Muhammad Zahid Khan Sahib (RA) as his successor due to his outstanding pious and righteous character. Khawaja Gharib Nawaz was the first Sajjad Nasheen of Mohra Shareef. He was loved and respected by millions across the world. During his lifetime, he appointed his eldest son, Pir Aftab Ahmed Qasmi, his successor. But Pir Aftab Ahmed Qasmi Sahib passed away one year before Khawaja Gharib Nawaz. Khawaja Gharib Nawaz passed away on December 9th, 1993 and after his departure from this world, the order led by his second son Wali-e-Kamil Hazrat Pir Keumras Badshah known as Hazrat Khawaja Pir Badshah Sahib, who passed away on 13th August, 2008. After Pir Badshah's departure from this world, Pir Auliya Badshah Farooq Sahib become the third Sajjada Nasheen (Custodian of Holy Shrine) of Mohra Sharif.

Twice a year, in last week of May and November, there are congregations (URS Paak), attended by thousands of devotees from all four corners of the world, held to commemorate Hazrat Khawaja Pir Muhammad Qasim Sadiq's (Baba Ji Sarkar), Qutab-ul-Aqtab Qutb-e-Alam Ameen-ul-Ummat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz Pir Khan Sahib (RA), Imam-ul-Aarifeen Hazrat Khawaja Pir Aftab Ahmed Qasmi (RA) and .Wali-e-Kamil Hazrat Pir Keumras Badshah known as Hazrat Khawaja Pir Badshah Sahib (RA).

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