History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


library_icon.gifAl-Qasim Islamic Library A great worth of Books & Articles. Read to enlighten your self.

H. H. (His Holiness) Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) was a professional wrestler before he became he received his higher Islamic education. He used to win all the competions and was very famous wrestler. One day when he won the competion as he was coming out of the fighting ring, an old Saint was passing by who said to him "Allah has not created you for this, you have to serve a very big purpose". At this point in his life he stopped wrestling and went to receive his higher education as explained in "His Holiness Baba Ji Sarkar (RA)'s Education" section.

He felt inside the spiritual thirst for which he travelled on foot many places in search for the spiritual guide. He met Baba Fazal Shah Kalyami (RA) of Kalyam Awan (a place near Rawat, Rawalpindi District in Pakistan), who was a Qalandar (Very high spiritual status among Sufis) of his time whose Namaz-e-Janaza (Funeral Prayer) was led by Qutb-al-Aqtab Ala-Hazrat Pir Mehr Ali Shah Sahib (RA) of Golra Sharif in Capital Islamabad of Pakistan. Baba Fazal Shah (RA) told him that his Bait is not at his hands, he should goto the mountains of Kashmir wher he will found his Murshid. Qalandar Baba Fazal Shah Kalyami (RA) also gave him the dried flower and told him to keep it safe whenever this flower will come back to life you will know that you found your Murshid. (Inshallah more will be added in future regarding his meeting with Qalandar Baba Fazal Shah Kalyami (RA).)

His Nobleness Hazrat Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) undertook onfoot journey and received spiritual inspiration from his Murshid (Guide) His Holiness Ghous-e-Zaman Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia of Kahiyan Sharif in Neelam Valley, Kashmir. The Murshid acquainted his disciple with all the stages of spiritualism at a single glance. And after spending few days at the Dargah of His Holiness Ghous-e-Zaman Khawaja Nizamuddin Aulia, the Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) was bestowed with Khilafat and asked by his Murshid to take his sojourn at Mohra Shareef, Murree. At that time this place was not as it looks today. It was the habitat of savage wildlife like leopards, lions, etc.

The Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) according to the advice of his Murshid Paak undertook a 40-day spiritual ordeal (chillah). The stone slab on which the Baba Ji Sarkar (RA) sat for 40 days (day-and-night) is preserved even today as a relic (Taburrak) at Mohra Shareef. Who new at that time that Fortune was working silentl to bring brilliance and worldwide fame to Mohra Shareef.The place became a permanent abode of Khawaja afterwards. It was here that he spent the rest of his life. Millions of devotees assemble every year at this Centre to pay homage to the auspicious soul of His Highness the Khawaja of the East, Hazrat Pir Muhammad Sadiq (Baba Ji Sarkar) (RA) - The Lion of Allah and the Patron Saint of the East.

During his lifetime he brought thousands of Non-Muslims to Islam specially the region of Kashmir including Kotli who was largely inhabitant by Hindus at that time. It was Khawaja who brought these people to Islam.

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