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Written by Talib Ghaffari

This is a list of all the writings of Jalaluddin Suyuti with brief introductory notes and links to those writings on the Internet.
Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (849-911 A.H.) was one of the greatest scholars of Islam, a great Muhaddith, a Faqih of Shafi'i school, and a writer with hundreds of written works. Most of his works are still available today and widely read, published and translated.
Abwāb al-Sa'āda fī Asbāb al-Shahāda <1987> أبواب السعادة في أسباب الشهادة ("The Gates of Felicity in the Causes of the Witnessing to Oneness"), 88 printed pages, collection of Ahadith about martyrdom
Al-Ashbāh wa al-Nazā'ir fī Furū' al-Shāfi'iyya الاشباه والنظائر في فروع الشافعية ("Inter-Related Topics in Shāfi'ī Law")
Al-Ashbāh wa al-Nazā'ir fī al-Nahw الأشباه و النظائر في النحو ("Inter-Related Topics in Arabic"), published in Hyderabad India 1940, Vol-1, Vol-2, Vol-3, Vol-4
Al-Ahādīth al-Hisān fī Fadl al-Taylasān <1983> الأحاديث الحسان في فضل الطيلسان ("The Fair Narrations on the Merit of the Unstitched Head-Shawl"), merits of the Head-Shawl, an outer garment worn by the Prophet (peace be upon him)
Al-Fawz al-Azīm fī Liqā al-Karīm <1994> الفوز العظيم في لقاء الكريم ("The Tremendous Victory in Meeting the All-Generous"), manuscript
Alfiyyat al-Suyūtī al-Nahwiyya <1900> ("The Thousand-Line Poem on Grammar")
Alfiyyat al-Suyūtī fī Mustalah al-Hadīth <1988> ("The Thousand-Line Poem on Hadith Nomenclature")
Amal al-Yawm wa al-Layla <1987> ("Supererogatory Devotions for Each Day and Night")
Al-Itqān fī Ulūm al-Qur'ān <1996> ("Precision and Mastery in the Sciences of the Quran")
Anīs al-Jalīs <1874> ("The Familiar Companion")
Al-Araj fī al-Faraj <1988> ("A Commentary on Ibn Abi al-Dunya's 'The Deliverance'," a work on hope and joy)
Al-Arba'ūn Hadīth fī Qawa'id al-Ahkām al-Shar'iyya <1986> ("Forty Narrations on Basic Legal Rulings")
Asbāb al-Nuzūl <1983> ("Causes of Quranic Revelation" verse by verse)
Asbāb Wurūd al-H. adīth <1988> ("Causes and Circumstances of Hadith")
Isbāl al-Kisā' alā al-Nisā <1984> ("Women and the Donning of Cover")
Asrār Tartīb al-Qur'ān <1976> أسرار ترتيب القرآن ("The Secret in the Ordering of the Quran"), text version
Al-Āyat al-Kubrā fī SharhQissat al-Isra' <1985> ("The Great Sign: Commentary on the Story of the Prophet's Night Journey")
Ayn al-Isāba fī Istidrāk Ā'ishata alā al-Sahāba <1988> ("Exactitude Itself in Aisha's Rectification of the Companions")
Al-Azhār al-Mutanāthira fīl-Ahādīth al-Mutawātira <1951> ("The Most Prominent of the Reports Concerning the Narrations of Mass Transmission")
Al-Bāhir fī Hukm al-Nabī Sallā Allāh Alayhi wa Sallam fī al-Bātin wa al-Zāhir <1987> ("The Dazzling Light Concerning the Prophet's Judgment in Hidden and Visible Matters")
Al-Bahjat al-Mardiyya fī Sharhal-Alfiyya <1980> البهجة المرضية في شرح الألفية في النحو ("The pleasing beauty: commentary on Muhammad ibn Abd Allāh Ibn Mālik's (d. 1274 CE) Alfiyya [thousand-line poem on grammar]"), manuscripts: vol-1, vol-2, vol-3
Bulbul al-Rawda <1981> ("Chronicle on al-Rawda, Egypt")
Bushrā al-Ka'īb bi Liqā' al-Habīb <1960> ("The consolation of the sad with the meeting of the Beloved")
Al-Dībāj alā Sahīh Muslim ibn al-Hajjāj <1991> ("Two-volume commentary on Sahih Muslim")
Al-Durar al-Muntathira fī al-Ahādīth al-Mushtahara <1988> ("The scattered pearls of famous narrations"); also published as al-Nawāfih. al-Atira fī al-Ahādīth al-Mushtahara <1992> ("The fragrant scents of famous narrations")
Al-Durr al-Manthūr fīl-Tafsīr bi al-Ma'thur ("The scattered pearls: A commentary of Quran based on transmitted reports")
Al-Durūj al-Munīfa fīl-Ābā' al-Sharīfa <1916> ("The outstanding entries concerning the Prophet's ancestors")
Fadd al-Wi'ā' fī Ahādīth Raf' al-Yadayn fīl-Du'ā <1985> فض الوعاء في أحاديث رفع اليدين بالدعاء ("The emptying of the vessel concerning raising the hands when making supplication")
Al-Ghurar fī Fadā'il Umar <1991> الغرر في فضائل عمر ("The Radiant Highlights: Umar's merits"), text version
Al-Habā'ik fī Akhbār al-Malā'ik <1985> الحبائك في أخبار الملائك ("The Celestial Orbits or the Reports Concerning the Angels"), text version
Haqīqat al-Sunna wal-Bid'a aw al-Amr bil-Ittibā' wal-Nahī an al-Munkar <1985> ("The Reality of Sunna and Innovation or the Ordering of Obedient Following and the Prohibition of Evil-Doing")
Al-Hāwī lil-Fatāwī fīl-Fiqh wa-Ulūm al-Tafsīr wal-Hadīth wal-Usūl wal-Nahwi wal-I'rāb wa-Sā'ir al-Funūn <1933> ("The collected legal responses in jurisprudence, Quranic commentary, h.adīth, principles, language, and other sciences")
Al-Hujaj al-Mubayyana fīl-Tafdīl bayna Makkata wal-Madīna <1985> ("The proofs made manifest concerning the superexcellence of Makka and Madīna")
Husn al-Maqsid fī Amal al-Mawlid <1985> ("Excellence of purpose in celebrating the birth of the Prophet"), also in the Hāwī
Husn al-Samti fīl-Samt <1985> ("The merits of silence")
Ihyā' al-Mayt bi Fadā'il Ahl al-Bayt <1988> ("Giving life to the dead, or: the merits of the Family of the Prophet")
Ikhtilāf al-Madhāhib <1989> ("The divergences among the schools of law")
Al-Iklīl fī Istinbāt al-Tanzīl <1981> ("The diadem: the extraction of rulings from the revealed Book")
Inbāh al-Adhkiyā' fī Hayāt al-Anbiyā' <1916> أنباء الأذكياء في حياة الأنبياء ("Notice to the wise concerning the life of the Prophets [i.e. in the grave]")
Al-Iqtirāh fī 'Ilm Usūl al-Nahw <1978> ("The authoritative discourse concerning the science of philology")
Al-Izdihār fīmā Aqadahu al-Shu'arā' min al-Ahādīth wal-Āthār <1991> ("The flourishes of poets related to the Prophetic narrations and sayings of the Companions")
Jam' al-Jawāmi' al-Ma'rūf bil-Jāmi' al-Kabīr <1970> ("The collection of collections, known as the Major Collection")
Jāmi' al-Ahādīth al-Jāmi' al-Saghīr wa Zawā'idihi <1994> ("The Minor Collection and its addenda")
Janī al-Jinās <1986> ("The genera of rhetoric")
Jazīl al-Mawāhib fī Ikhtilāf al-Madhāhib <1992> ("The abundant gifts concerning the differences among the schools of law")
Al-Kanz al-Madfūn wa al-Falak al-Mashhūn <1992> ("The buried treasure in the laden ship: An encyclopedia of Islamic history")
Kashf al-Sals ala an Wasf al-Zalzala <1987> ("The transmitted expositions concerning the description of the Earthquake of Doomsday")
Al-Radd alā man Akhlada ilā al-Ard wa Jahila anna al-Ijtihāda fī Kulli Asrin Fard <1984> ("Refutation of the Shiftless Who Have no Idea that Scholarly Striving is a Religious Obligation in Every Age")
Kitāb al-Shamārikh fī Ilm al-Tārikh <1894> ("The book of date-heavy stalks: a primer on historiography")
Kitāb al-Shihāb al-Thāqib fī Dhamm al-Khalīl <1992> ("The Piercing Arrows", a commentary on the vizier and jurist Alī ibn Zāfir's (d. 623) "The Healing of the Parched Concerning the Castigation of One's Dear Friend," a book on the ethics of friendship)
Kitāb al-Tabarrī min Ma'arrat al-Ma'arrī wa Tuhfat al-Zurafā' bi-Asmā' al-Khulafā' <1989> ("Poetry on the names of the Caliphs")
Kitāb al-Tadhkīr bil-Marji' wal-Masīr <1991> ("Book of the reminder of the Return to Allāh")
Kitāb Asmā' al-Mudallisīn <1992> ("The book of narrators who omit certain details while narrating")
Kitāb Bughyat al-Wu'āt fī Tabaqāt al-Lughawiyyīn <1908> ("The must of the sagacious concerning the synchronical layers of lexicologists and philologists")
Kitāb Ham' al-Hawāmi' Sharh Jam' al-Jawāmi' fī 'Ilm al-Nahw <1973> ("The rushing floodgates, or commentary on the Collection of collections on the science of philology")
Kitāb H. usn al-Muhādara fī Akhbāri Misra wa al-Qāhira <1904> ("The excellent lectures concerning the chronicle of Egypt and Cairo")
Kitāb Itmām al-Dirāya li Qurrā' al-Nuqāya <1891> ("The perfection of knowledge for the readers of [al-Suyūtī's] al-Nuqāya")
Kitāb Lubb al-Lubāb fī Tahrīr al-Ansāb <1840> لب الباب في تحرير الأنساب ("The kernel of kernels concerning the editorship of genealogies"), text version
Tazyīn al-Mamālik bi-Manāqib Sayyidinā Mālik <1907> ("The adornment of slaves with the virtues of Imām Malik")
Kitāb Tuhfat al-Mujālis wa Nuzhat al-Majālis <1908> ("The jewel of every fellow student and the pleasant gatherings")
Laqat al-Marjān fī Ahkām al-Jānn <1989> ("The gleanings of coral: rulings concerning the jinn")
Lubāb al-Nuqūl fī Asbāb al-Nuzūl <1981> ("The Best of Narrations Concerning the Exact Circumstances of Revelation")
Al-Luma' fī Khasā'isi Yawmi al-Jumu'a <1986> ("Virtues of the Day of Jumu'a")
Mā Rawāhu al-Asātīn fī Adam al-Majī' ilā al-Salātīn <1992> ("The Reports on Avoidance of the Courts of Rulers"); with Dhamm al-Maks ("Blame of Taxes and Tolls")
Manāhil al-Safā fī Takhrīj Ahādīth al-Shifā <1988> ("The Springs of Purity: Documentation of the H. adīths mentioned in Qādī Iyād's 'The Healing' ")
Manāqib al-Khulafā' al-Rāshidīn <1890> ("Virtues of the Well-Guided Caliphs")
Al-Manhaj al-Sawī wa al-Manhal al-Rawī fī al-Tibb al-Nabawī <1986> ("The Straight Path and Quenching Spring: the Prophet's Medicine")
Al-Maqāmāt al-Sundusiyya fī al-Nisbat al-Mustafawiyya <1916> ("The Resplendent Stations Concerning the Prophetic Lineage")
Al-Masābīh fī Salāt al-Tarāwīh <1955> ("The Lanterns: On the Prayer of Rests [Tarawīh]")
Masālik al-Hunafā' fī Wāliday al-Mustafā <1993> ("Method of Those of Pure Religion Concerning the Parents of the Prophet")
Al-Matāli' al-Sā'ida Sharh al-Suyūtī alā al-Alfiyya al-Musammāt bi al-Farīda fī al-Nahw wa al-Tasrīf wa al-Khatt <1981> (Suyuti's Commentary on his own thousand-line poem entitled "The Unique Pearl" on philology, conjugation, and calligraphy)
Matla' al-Badrayn fīman Yu'tā Ajrahu Marratayn <1991> ("The Rising of the Two Full Moons: Those Rewarded Twice [i.e. Sincere Christians who Accept Islam]")
Miftāh al-Janna fī al-I'tisām bil-Sunna <1993> ("The key to paradise which consists in clinging to the Sunna of the Prophet")
Mufhimāt al-Aqrān fī Mubhamāt al-Qur'ān <1991> ("The Elucidations of the Peers for the Obscurities of the Quran")
Al-Muhadhdhab fīmā Waqa'a fīl-Qur'ān min al-Mu'arrab <1988> ("The Emendation Concerning the Foreign Words and Phrases in the Qur'ān")
Mu'jiza ma'a Karāma fī kitāb al-Sharaf al-Muh.attam : fīmā Manna Allāhu Ta'alā bihi alā Waliyyihi Ahmad al-Rifā'ī <1965> ("The Evidentiary Miracle and Gift Concerning the Book of 'The Paramount Honor' [by al-Rifā'ī] and what Allāh has bestowed in it upon His Friend Ahmad [ibn Alī] al-Rifā'ī [d. 1182 CE]")
Mukhtasar Sharh al-Jāmi' al-Saghīr lil-Munāwī <1954> ("The abridged commentary of al-Suyuti's minor collection by al-Munāwī")
Muntahā al-Amal fī Sharh Hadīth Innamā al-Amāl <1986> ("The goal of all practice, or the commentary on the h.adīth: Actions are according to intentions")
Musnad Fātimat al-Zahrā radi'ya Allāhu anhā wamā Warada fī Fadliha <1994> ("Narrations Traced Back to Fātima the Radiant and Reports Concerning her Virtues")
Al-Mustazraf min Akhbār al-Jawārī <1989> ("The Graceful Reports Concerning Women Slaves")
Mutawakkilī fīmā Warada fī al-Qur'āni bi al-Lughat al-Habashiyya wa al-Fārisiyya wa al-Rūmiyya wa al-Hindiyya wa al-Siryāniyya wa al-Ibrāniyya wa al-Nabatiyya wa al-Qibtiyya wa al-Turkiyya wa al-Zanjiyya wa al-Barbariyya ("My Reliance Concerning Words
in the Quran in the Ethiopian, Persian, Greek, Hindi, Syriac, Hebrew, Nabatean, Coptic, Turkic, African, and Berber Tongues")
Nashr al-Alamayn al-Munīfayn fī Ihyā al-Abawayn al-Sharīfayn <1916> ("The Proclamation to the Two Outstanding Worlds [mankind and jinn] Concerning the Ressuscitation of the Prophets Parents [at his hands]")
Natījat al-Fikr fīl-Jahri bil-Dhikr <1950> ("The Conclusion of Reflection upon Loud Remembrance of Allāh")
Nazm al-Iqyān fī A'yān al-A'yān <1927> (Who's Who in the Ninth Hijri Century)
Al-Nukāt al-Badī'a alā al-Mawdū'āt <1991> (Suyuti's critique of Ibn al-Jawzi's Collection of Forged Narrations)
Nuzhat al-Julasā fī Ashhari al-Nisā' <1986> ("The Recreation of [Student] Gatherings Concerning Famous Women [Poets]")
Nuzhat al-Muta'ammil wa-Murshid al-Muta'ahhil fīl-Khatīb wal-Mutazawwij <1989> ("The Recreation of the Fiancé and the Guide of the Married")
Nuzhat al-Umr fī al-Tafdīl Bayna al-Bīd wa al-Sumr <1931> ("The Recreation of Life On Preferentialism Between the White and the Black in Complexion")
Nuzūl Īsā ibn Maryam Ākhir al-Zamān <1985> ("The Descent of Isa ibn Maryam at the End of Time")
Al-Qawl al-Jalī fī Fadā'il Alī <1990> ("The manifest discourse on the virtues of Ali ibn Abi Talib")
Al-Rahma fīl-Tibb wal-Hikma <1970> الرحمة في الطب و الحكمة ("Arabic medicine and wisdom")
Al-Rasā'il al-Ashr <1989> ("The ten epistles")
Ras.f al-La'āl fī Wasf al-Hilāl <1890> ("The stringing of the pearls in describing the new moon")
Al-Rawd al-Anīq fī Fadl al-Siddīq <1990> الروض الأنيق في فضل الصديق ("The beautiful garden of the merit of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq"), text version
Risālat al-Sayf al-Qāti' al-Lāmi' li Ahl al-I'tirād al-Shawā'i' <1935> ("Epistle of the sharp and glistening sword against the Shī'ī Naysayers")
Al-Riyād al-Anīqa fī Sharh Asmā' Khayr al-Khalīqa ("The beautiful gardens: explanation of the names of the Best of Creation")
Sawn al-Mantiq wal-Kalām an Fann al-Mantiq wal-Kalām <1947> ("Manual of logic and dialectic theology")
Shaqā'iq al-Utrunj fī Raqā'iq al-Ghunj <1988> ("The Citron Halves: or, the Daintiness of Women")
Sharh al-Sudūr bi Sharh Hāl al-Mawtā wa al-Qubūr <1989> ("The expanding of breasts or commentary on the state of the dead in the grave")
Sharh al-Urjūza al-Musammāt bi-Uqūd al-Jumān fī Ālam al-Ma'ānī wa al-Bayān <1955> ("The commentary in rajaz ['surging'] meter entitled: The pearl necklaces related to the world of meanings and precious discourse")
Sharh Shawāhid al-Mughnī <1904> ("Commentary on the proof-texts of Abd-Allah ibn Hishām's (d. 1360CE) Mughnī al-Labīb or 'The Sufficient Knowledge of the Sensible One' ")
Shurūt al-Mufassir wa Ādābuh <1994> ("The criteria to be met by commentators of Quran and their ethics")
Sihām al-Isāba fī al-Da'awāt al-Mustajāba <1987> ("The arrows that hit their target: About the prayers that are fulfilled")
Al-Subul al-Jaliyya fīl-Ābā al-Aliyya <1916> السبل الجلية في آباء العلية ("The manifest paths concerning the lofty ancestors [of the Prophet]")
Ta'aqqubāt al-Suyūtī alā mawdu'at Ibn al-Jawzī <1886> ("Suyūtī's critique of Ibn al-Jawzī's collection of forged narrations")
Tabaqāt al-Mufassirīn <1976> ("The synchronical layers of Quran commentators")
Tabyīd al-Sahīfa bi Manāqib al-Imām Abī Hanīfa <1992> ("The whitening of the page: or, the virtues of Imām Abu Hanifa")
Al-Tadhyīl wa al-Tadhnīb alā al-Nihāya fī Gharīb al-Hadīth wa al-Athar <1982> ("Marginal annotations on Ibn al-Athīr's 'The goal' ")
Tadrīb al-Rāwī fī Sharh Taqrīb al-Nawawī <1994> ("The training of the hadith transmitter: an exegesis of Nawawi's 'The facilitation' ")
Tahdhīb al-Khasāis al-Nabawiyya al-Kubrā <1989> ("The Emendation of al-Suyūtī's book entitled 'The Awesome Characteristics of the Prophet' ")
Tahdhīr al-Khawāss min Akādhib al-Qussās <1932> ("Warning the elite against the lies of story-tellers")
Takhrīj Ahādīth Sharh al-Mawāqif fī 'Ilm al-Kalām <1986> ("The documentation of the hadīths mentioned in 'The commentary of the stopping-places in dialectical theology,' a work by al-Qadi Adud al-Din Abd al-Rahmān ibn Ahmad al-Ījī al-Shīrāzī [d. 756]")
Tamhīd al-Farsh fī al-Khisāl al-Mūjiba li-Zilāl al-Arsh <1990> ("The characteristics that guarantee the shading of the Throne")
Tanbīh al-Ghabī fī Takhti'at Ibn Arabī <1990> ("Warning to the Imbecile who Imputes Error to Muhyī al-Dīn Ibn Arabī [a reply to al-Biqa'i's [Warning to the Imbecile that Ibn Arabī is a Disbeliever]")
Tanwīr al-Hawālik Sharh alā Muwatta Mālik <1969> ("The Enlightenment of Intense Blackness: Commentary on Malik's Muwatta"); with Is'āf al-Mubatta fī Rijāl al-Muwatta ("Rescuing those Stalled Concerning the Narrators of Malik's Muwatta")
Tanwīr al-Miqbās min Tafsīr ibn Abbās <1951> ("The Enlightenment of Torchlights from the Quranic Commentary of Ibn Abbas")
Tanzīh al-Anbiyā' an Tashbīh al-Aghbiyā' <1916> ("Clearing the Prophets from the Comparisons Ignorant People Make of Themselves with Them")
Taqrīr al-Istinād fī Tafsīr al-Ijtihād <1983> ("Establishing Authoritative Ascription in the Course of Scholarly Striving")
Al-Ta'rīf bi-Ādāb al-Ta'līf <1989> ("The Etiquette of Authorship")
Tārīkh al-Khulafā' <1993> ("History of the Caliphs"), published in Lahore 1886, 374 pages, published in 1332 AH, 546 pages
Tartīb Suwar al-Qur'ān <1986> ("The Ordering of the Sūras of the Quran")
Tasliyat al-Ābā' bi-Fuqdān al-Abnā' al-Musammāt al-Ta'allul wa al-It.fā' li-Nārin la Yutfa' <1987> ("The Consolation of Parents Who Have Lost Their Children, also known as: The Extinction of the Unquenchable Fire")
Tawq al-Hamāma <1988> ("The Flight of the Dove")
Ta'yīd al-Haqīqat al-Aliyya wa Tashyīd al-Tarīqa al-Shādhiliyya <1934> ("The Upholding of the Lofty Truth and the Buttressing of the Shadhili Sufi Path")
Al-Ta'zīm wa al-Minna fī anna Abaway Rasūlallāh fī al-Janna <1916> ("That the Prophet's Parents are in Paradise")
Tuhfat al-Abrār bi-Nukat al-Adhkār li al-Nawawī <1990> ("Commentary on Nawawi's 'Supplications' ")
Tuhfat al-'Ajlān fī Fadā'il Uthmān <1991> ("Merits of Uthman ibn Affan")
Tuhfat al-Nujabā' <1990> ("The gem of patricians [a work on language]")
'Uqūd al-Zabarjad alā Musnad al-Imām Ah.mad <1987> ("The chrysolite necklaces on Imām Ahmad's collection of narrations traced to the Prophet")
'Uqūd al-Zabarjad fī I'rāb al-H. adīth al-Nabawī <1994> ("The chrysolite necklaces on the grammatical analysis of the Prophet's narrations"), on the Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. This is the same work as in the previous entry.
Al-Wasā'il fī Musāmarat al-Awā'il <1986> ("The means for conversation with the ancients"); also published as al-Wasā'il ilā Ma'rifat al-Awa'il <1990> ("The means to the acquaintance of the ancients")
Wusūl al-Amānī bi Usūl al-Tahānī <1987> ("The attainment of one's hope in the etiquette of well-wishing")
Al-Zajru bil-Hijr <1950> ("The reprimand by means of the reminder of what is unlawful")
Zubdat al-Laban Fawā'id Lughawiyya wa H. adīthiyya <1989> ("The cream of the milk: miscellaneous benefits related to language and h.adīth")
Akhlāq Hamalat al-Qur'ān <1987> ("Manners of the carriers of Quran")
Badhl al-Himma fī Talab Barā'at al-Dhimma ("Directing one's energies to pursue clearness of conscience"); contained in the collective volume entitled: Thalāth Rasā'il fī al-Ghība <1988> ("Three epistles on slander")
Al-La'āli' al-Masnū'a fīl-Ahādīth al-Mawdū'a <1960> ("The Artificial Pearls or Forged Hadīths")
Daqāi'q al-Akhbār fī Dhikr al-Jannati wa al-Nār <1961> ("The Subtleties in the Reports that Mention Paradise and the Fire")
Al-Ith.āf bi-H. ubb al-Ashrāf <1900> ("The Present Concerning Love of the Descendants of the Prophet")
Al-Hay'atu al-Saniyya fīl-Hay'ati al-Sunniyya <1982> (Treatise on astronomy)