History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


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A Very old door of Ka’ba Sharif

Masjid Al Haraam (Grand Mosque) in Makkah-tul-Mukarramah. The Ka’ba is located in this mosque.

Almost a century old picture of Makkah-tul-Mukarramah

When Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon him) built the Holy Ka'ba, he left his footprints on the mud.Those footprints were preserved. Inside this display the footprint of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) can be seen. This is called Maqam-e-Ibrahim and it is located inside the Grand Mosque of Makkah, in front of Ka'ba. It is important to note that Prophet Abraham was the father of prophet Isaac and prophet Ishmael (Peace be upon all of them).

The black area in the middle of this casing is a rock called Hajr-e-Aswad (Back stone).This black stone is mounted on one of the corners of Holy Ka'ba. When Muslims start circumambulating the Ka'ba during pilgrimage, they start the walk in counter clockwise direction from this point. They kiss the black-stone or point towards it before starting the next round. It is believed to be the rock from the Heavens. Many people think that this was a meteoroid.

Almost a century old picture of Madinah-tul-Munawwarah

The beautiful scene of Masjid Al Nabawi Al Sharif at night. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his companions built the mosque when they migrated from Makkah to Madinah.

Gunbad-e-Khadhra (Green Dome) in Masjid Al Nabawi Sharif in Madinah tul Munawwarah. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is resting right under the Green Dome.

Satellite view of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) mosque and its surrounding areas in Madinah Munawara.

Muwajeh Sharif (Golden Grill). Behind this grill, from left to right is the Mazar-e-Mubarak of Hadhrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) then first Caliph of Islam, Ameer ul Mo'mineen Hadhrat Abu Bakr's Mazar and after that is the Mazar of second Caliph of Islam, Ameer ul Mo'mineen, Hadhrat Umar Farooq (May Allah be pleased with them). Behind the right most grill is the empty space for one grave. It is believed that Prophet Isa (Jesus) (Peace be upon him) will be buried here.

Riyadhul Jannah, the space between Mazar of Hadhrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his pulpit (minber). This space in Prophet's (Peace be upon him) mosque is a part of Heaven.

The arch on the left side was the place where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to pray and lead Muslims in the prayers.

Masjid Al Quba, the first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he migrated from Makkah to Madinah Munawara.

Masjid Abu Bakr us Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him) in Madinah Munawara.

Jannatul Baqi' (graveyard of Baqi')Hundreds of Ahlebait (Family members of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him), Sahaba (Companions of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him) had been buried here. The circular area contains Mazarat of Imam Zain Al Abedin and other Ahlebait. The first rectangular in the middle contains Mazarat of daughters of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The rectangular area on the left contains Mazarat of wives of Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Jannatul Baqi' (graveyard of Baqi')

The square shape area contains the Mazar of third Caliph of Islam, Ameer ul Mo'mineen Uthman ibn Affaan (May Allah be pleased with him). On the extreme left is the Mazar of Imam Maalik (May Allah be pleased with him)

This is Jannatul Baqi' in Madinah Munawara. In the centre is the Mazar of Ameer ul Mo'mineen Sayyidna Uthman ibn Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) - The 3rd Caliph of Islam.

In Madinah Munawara, mazarat of Shohada-e-Uhad. In the middle the Mazar of Prophet Muhammad's (Peace be upon him) uncle Sayyadush Shohada Hazrat Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib (May Allah be pleased with him).

The Uhad mountains near Madinah Munawara where the second battle of Islam, Battle of Uhad took place.

Near Airport Road in Madinah Munawara, the Mazarat of Hazrat Abu Hurairah and Hazrat Ali Al Arees (May Allah be pleased with them).

The house of Sayyidna Abu Ayyub Ansari (May Allah be pleased with him) where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) stayed when he migrated to Madinah Munawara. Unfortunately,this house does not exist anymore.

The house of Hazrat Haleemah Sa'diyah (May Allah be pleased with her) where Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) spent his 6 years of childhood.

The Well near the house of Hazrat Abu Saeed Al Khdree (May Allah be pleased with him) in Madinah Munawara, which does not exists anymore.

Dome of the Rock Mosque (Qubbatus-Sakhrah Masjid) in Jerusalem.

Mazar-e-Mubarak Hadhrat Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (Karramallaho Wajhal Karim).(Iraq)

This is the place in Najaf, Iraq where Ameer ul Mo'mineen, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) was martyred.

This was the area of Karbala where Imam Hussain and other Ahlebait (May Allah be pleased with them) camped and later martyred.

Mazar Mubarak of Hadhrat Imam Hussain (May Allah's peace upon him), grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in Iraq.

Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Abul Fazl Al Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) in Baghdad in Iraq.

Mazar Mubarak, Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifah (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Baghdad, Iraq.

Mazar Mubarak Sayyidna Ghos-e-Azam, Hadhrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Baghdad, Iraq.

Mazarat Mubarak, Hadhrat Junaid Baghdadi and Hadhrat Khwja Sirri Suqti (May Allah's blessings upon them) in Baghdad, Iraq.

Mazar Mubarak, Abu Hafs, Hadhrat Shaikh-ush-Shoyukh Shaikh Shahabuddin Omar Soharwardy (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Baghdad, Iraq.

Mazar Mubarak, Shaikh-ul-Islam Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

Mazar Mubarak, Hadhrat Maolana Jalaluddin Rumi, Balkhi (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Konya, Turkey.

Mazar Mubarak of Daataa Ganj Bakhsh, Ali Al Hajwairy (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Lahore, Pakistan.

Mazar Mubarak Hadhrat Khwaja, Gharib Nawaz, Moinuddin Chishty (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Ajmer, India.

Mazar Mubarak Hadhrat Khwaja, Gharib Nawaz, Moinuddin Chishty (May Allah's blessings upon him) in Ajmer, India.

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