History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


library_icon.gifAl-Qasim Islamic Library A great worth of Books & Articles. Read to enlighten your self.

Title: Masalik al-Hunafa Fi Walidayy al-Mustafa

Arabic: مسالك الحنفا في والدي المصطفي

Author: Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (امام جلال الدين السيوطي)


Some Muslims today unfortunately have developed a completely wrong belief that the parents of our great Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) were not Muslims and are in Hell (may Allah save us from this blasphemous belief). Imam Suyuti describes in this book about the right belief of the blessed parents of our Prophet, collecting hundreds of proofs from Quran, Hadith and quotes of scholars. May Allah santify the soul of Imam Suyuti for writing this great book.

English translation is an abridged one.

Click here - The Prophet's Parents are Saved



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