History of The Khanqah 




Al-Qasim Islamic Library 

GlobalThe Great Spiritual Center "Mohra Sharif" (Holy Village; Mohra for "small village" and Sharif for "holy" or "noble") is an great spiritual center and home of the Naqshbandia, Mujaddadiya. Qasimiya sufi order, read more...

TasbihShajra Sharif Murids must read on daily basis highly recommended.

Daily Wazaifs Azkaars of Naqshbandiya/Qasimiya Order.


library_icon.gifAl-Qasim Islamic Library A great worth of Books & Articles. Read to enlighten your self.

Tazkirah Qutb-e-Alam Hazrat Khwaja Abul Hasan Kharaqani

Biography of great Sufi and Shaykh Hazrat Khwaja Abul Hasan Kharaqani (d. 425 AH).

تذکرہ قطب عالم حضرت خواجہ ابو الحسن خرقانی قدس سرہ

محمد نذیر رانجھا


Title: Tazkirah Qutb-e-Alam Hazrat Khwaja Abul Hasan Kharaqani

Author: Muhammad Nazeer Ranjha 

Published in 2005, second edition in 2009. Pages 264.

Digitized by Maktabah.org, December 2011.



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About the author

Muhammad Nazeer Ranjha (born 1951) is an Islamic researcher, an author of many works, and a translator of many valuable writings of the Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Sufi masters. He follows the Naqshbandi tariqa and his research mostly relates to the shaykhs of this noble Sufi order.





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