
This is one of the best books written on Sulook and Tasawwuf written by any of the later scholars of Sufism. Some shaykhs have compared it to the books of Imam Ghazali, considering this as better than Kimya-e-Saadat. It discusses many topics in traditional Sufism and a large section is dedicated to various practices of Sufi tariqas and their chains of authorization (Isnaad).





Qutb al-Irshad قطب الارشاد

By Haji Faqir-Allah al-Alavi al-Hanafi Naqshbandi Shikarpuri (d. 1195 AH).

Published in 1316 AH (1898 CE). Pages 664.

Digitized by Maktabah.org, December 2011.

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