
Urdu translation of the book Al-Hadiqat al-Nadiyah by Shaykh Muhammad bin Sulaiman Baghdadi Naqshbandi Khalidi (d. 1234 AH). It is one of the essential books of the Khalidi Naqshbandi tariqah with short biography of Maulana Khalid al-Baghdadi (1190-1242 AH).

Translator: Maulana Sultan Ahmad Afghani. Published in 2010 by Dar-ul-Ikhlas, Lahore. Pages: 134.

تحفہ نقشبندیہ، اردو ترجمہ الحدیقۃ الندیۃ فی الطریقۃ النقشبندیۃ

مؤلف امام محمد بن سلیمان بغدادی نقشبندی خالدی

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